what is sexology?
Good question!
Sexology is the scientific study of human sex & sexuality.
A sexologist is an expert in providing therapeutic psychosexual support & guidance for all things sex, sexuality & relationships. This includes sex & gender diversity, sexual healing & confidence, enhancement & joy, how to get more sexual pleasure & celebration in your life, issues with sex, sexuality or relationships.
This covers areas such as human reproduction, sexual rights and consent, diversity of sex, gender and sexuality, sexual health, the study of love, desire & eroticism, sexual emotions, sexual healing, relationships, empathy & connection, communication, sexual response, criminal sexual behaviour, sexual function & dysfunction, & sexual pleasure.
There are three main areas of practice in Sexology. They are therapy, education & forensic.
SexWit works with all of these areas, as well as mental health, dating & relationship issues (see services section for a detailed list of issues we can help with).
So what does this all mean?
therapeutic :
Sex therapy - the connection of body, mind & spirit related to sexual function/dysfunction, chronic pain related to sex, eroticism, desire, love, relationships - connection, communication, security, status, needs, wants, sexual healing, gender & sexual diversity - identity, orientation, pride!
Psychosexual therapy is the term used to describe sex therapy & working with sexual issues, in a therapeutic way. So, if you're familiar with psychotherapy or counselling, its just that - with additional expertise in sexual issues.
Sex education & sexual health - sex positivity, consent, reproductive rights, sexual confidence, all things safe sex, identity & orientation, pleasure, how to explore the erotic, desire & have more fun!
Sex crime & harm - sexual abuse & sexual healing, victim/survivor/thriver support, intrusive thoughts & compulsive or out of control sexual behaviors causing harm, pre-contemplative criminal sexual thoughts that may lead to sex crime.
some more on Sexology...
so as sexual beings we have many sexual needs. unfortunately in our sex-negative society we're simply not educated in sex & sexuality. nor are we encouraged to celebrate fully who we are as sexual or a-sexual beings, or who we want to be. SexWit seeks to change this by providing expert psychosexual therapy, sex & relationship therapy, mental health support, & mentoring, educating individuals, communities & organisations, & promoting sexual rights - so to develop a sex-positive society.
Sexology has a very close link with our mental health. Healthy acceptance & confidence in who we as sexual beings will also reflect a vital state of mental health. Without expert guidance & support we can suffer. Think of a time you saw a professional regarding anything remotely sexual where it wasn't openly talked about, or there was a sense of shame, embarrassment or perhaps just well-meaning but unhelpful bumbling guidance?
Have you experienced awkwardness, shame, embarrassment or were simply at a loss addressing sex, sexuality or gender diversity in your private life? in your family? your relationships? or perhaps the workplace, where colleagues are resistant to talk all things sex & sexuality, & don't want to, or simply can't provide clients with the support they really need? Or are you a sex-worker/within the sex industry, having to justify your rightful working existence, dealing with systemic sex-negative structures that ultimately challenge your mental health & self-worth? Do you suffer from sexual dysfunction or chronic pelvic pain or another health condition that affects your sexual ability or even desire for sex & relationships, but you still haven't found professionals who are able to help you?
Many helping professions & organisations fail to support sex-positive sexological services because they leave sex & sexuality to 'someone else'. Sex is in the 'too hard' basket. Many counsellors, relationship & family therapists, & psychotherapists are uncomfortable & embarrassed to address sex & sexuality, pretty much because they aren't trained in the area. Many professionals lack the sexological training needed to provide expert guidance, & sex is outside their scope of practice. It's baffling that sexology is not taught in all helping professions, particularly in the psychotherapeutic, medical, allied health, mental health & educational sectors, as sex & sexuality is at the heart of our very existence & our mental health.
Sex education in schools also remains an area of great concern whereby its delivered by teachers who don't have sexological training or qualifications, & who are often left stumbling, without training or adequate resources & left wondering what on earth to talk about. It's not their fault, but such a lack of attention paid to sex, sexuality & relationships is less than adequate. Without expert sex education, our young people suffer. Young people are left to navigate indiscriminate information (from many sources but predominately on the net), including hard core porn, unsafe sex & unsafe exploratory hook ups - issues of cyber-safety, grooming, sexual coercion & sexual assault are very real. If you're concerned about your child or someone you know, do get in touch.
Overall, living in a sex-negative culture causes stress & trauma, & deeper sexual, psychological, physiological & mental health issues.
Our bodies are amazing containers - the body remembers & stores our experiences. When dis-ease is lodged in the body, what happens? yes, we suffer - in one form or another. Working with the body - called Somatic therapy, is something we @ SexWit embrace. Its a bottom up approach & it helps clients tap into parts of themselves that need healing. ...the body-mind-spirit connection - sooo important!